Dr. Luise Berger, renowned plastic surgeon in Munich, Germany was one of the very first people on Instagram that I reached out to (@docberger1) and the first 'influencer' that responded to DEMED. At the time, she had 38.2k followers and as a brand new scrub company entering the market, we only had 124 followers. I may or may not have had a full blown meltdown of pure excitement when I received a response. The following weeks were spent deciphering how to input a German address and patiently waiting for the package to arrive. We were filled with anxious energy as we awaited her review but so overjoyed to be teaming up with our very first international surgeon.

When Dr. Berger received her DEMED scrubs she expressed that she loves the sleek look and feel of the brushed fabric against her skin but that she is afraid they will be WAY too hot to perform surgery in. Nonetheless, because she appreciated the way they looked and fit in with her high end facility, she still decided to post for us -
“Awww….thank you very much @demedscrubs!!! Today, I got a parcel with super cool scrubs!!! They feel extremely pleasant next to the skin and fit much better than other standard scrubs! I especially like that they are stretchy and thus are comfortable to wear!”
From that review, we never expected to see Dr. Berger wearing her DEMED Scrubs ALL the time. She was performing surgeries in them daily and realized that the fabric is a temperature controlling athletic fabric so she never got too hot as she suspected before.

A few months went by when we got the most surprising message of them all. Dr. Berger wanted to outfit her whole practice in DEMED Scrubs so that everyone looked just as sleek and stylish as she did. A very fitting look for a high-end cosmetic surgeon’s office. Thank you Dr. Luise Berger!

Please check Dr. Luise Berger out at:
Instagram: @docberger1